A couple of days ago I received a notification by Blogger about some obviously illegal content posted here which I had to take down. Although I knew it was inevitable it kind of bummed me out.
But the worst thing that’s happened to me lately is that my right ear seems to be “plugged” and I’m not certain of the cause. For what I understand after reading about it, I may have either plugged or inflamed the Eustachian tube, which causes to distort the equalization of the sound. It apparently goes away depending on various causes, so I’m going to the doctor on Monday to get it checked out.
I can however, still listen to music, but on my right ear it sounds as if I mostly hear between the frequencies of 400-2000 Hz. It is very annoying to me as an avid music listener, so until my ear “pops” I’m afraid there won’t be any reviews.
Hopefully I’ll get better so I can keep up suggesting and posting music. See you all later…